Featured Meeting

Formal Meeting

Common Meeting

All Hands Meeting Template

Rounded Knowtworthy Logo
Knowtworthy Inc.
Open Template

Successful all-hands meetings generally follow a regular structure, allowing for both the presentation of new information and engaging with the community in a more free-form way. This template provides both a general outline for what to accomplish during your next all-hands meeting, along with more detailed descriptions of best practices for each agenda item. With shareable meeting minutes like this one, you can also easily send out post-meeting minutes to all of your attendees!

Download the Free Template

Access and modify this template right now online with Knowtworthy and Google Docs, or download this template with Microsoft Word or Excel.

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Word Logo
Excel Logo
Meeting Agenda
  1. Welcome, introduction, and overview
  2. Vision and Strategy for the coming weeks/months
  3. Questions from the community
  4. Awards and Recognition
  5. Closing remarks
Meeting Purpose

Come together as an organization, get aligned on future direction and discuss important questions concerning the org as a whole.

Meeting Notes

How to use these templates:

All of the Knowtworthy templates are free to use and modify! We have a variety of templates available, all accessible directly in the Knowtworthy application or downloadable!

Step 1: Open the Template

Clicking this button will open a new tab in the Knowtworthy application that you can edit.

Step 2: Make Changes

The templates can all be edited. If you are signed in - they’ll be added to My Meetings!

Step 3: Run Amazing Meetings!

With your template set up, you can run your meetings with a default, or save a custom doc!

Ready to run amazing meetings?

Sign up today and see how Knowtworthy can save you hours every week!